By Lani on Wednesday, 18 January 2023
Category: All Posts

Keep your suit for longer

Buying a quality wetsuit can be a bit of an expensive purchase, but if you look after it well and wash it properly, you can prolong the life of your new investment to last you winters and summers on end. 

Here's our top 5 tips to help your wetsuit last.

1. Rinse
Make sure to rinse your wetsuit with freshwater as quickly as you can after every use. It may be tempting to leave it in a ball on the floor after peeling it off, but the salt water can stiffen the material if it's not rinsed every time. 

2. Hang out
The best way to let your wetsuit dry is to turn it inside out and hang it up by the waist. Be sure to let it dry out of direct sunlight. Our GoDry hangers are ideal for this as you can stick them to the side of your van or car to hang out whilst you get changed after your surf.

3. Shampoo
Using a wetsuit shampoo is a great way to give your suit a freshen up and make sure you've gotten all the salt out. This step doesn't need to be done after every use like you would with tip number 1, but it should be done fairly often. You'll get to know your wetsuit the more you wear it and you'll get to know when it might need that little extra pamper.

4. No machines!
You might think you can just throw your wetsuit into a washing machine and dryer, but they need a little more love than that. The spinning cycle of the machine can effect the seams and the hot temperatures can reduce the flexibility of the suit, impacting the life span of your beloved wetsuit. 

5. No peeing in the suit
We know this one might come up in debate, but for the sake of your wetsuit, don't pee in it. The slight acidity of urine can effect the fabric on the suit and no, it won't keep you any warmer.