Watershed Salmon Stowfloat
Watershed Salmon Stowfloat - Safety Orange / 23L is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
You can calculate the delivery costs for your order by simply adding items to the basket and entering your delivery address.
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We offer a 30 day returns policy for unwanted items.
If you change your mind and want to return this item, you will be responsible for the cost of returning it to us.
All items must be returned to us unused, and include original packaging.
View our full returns T&Cs.
Price Match
Price Match
If you find a product cheaper elsewhere online, we may be able to price match it.
Send us a link to the website page you want us to match, either by email, live chat, or Whatsapp.
The product must be in stock on the other website, and the price match will include any additional postage costs.
Product Details
Product Details
Watershed Salmon Stowfloat
The Watershed Salmon Stowfloat provides a handy balance between cramming your kayak with inflated airbags, or much needed drybags; the Salmon Stowfloat is a durable Stern Air Bag and secure Dry Bag all in one.
The Stowfloat is designed with a wide neck for easy access to your essential gear and a tube to allow you to inflate and deflate the bag. A compression strap over the top of the bag allows you to adjust the size to suit.
- Long inflate/deflate tube for easy buoyancy control
- Compression strap over the top for custom sizing
- Designed for wider, stouter kayaks to maximize all available storage space
- Dimensions Rolled 22″ Height x 23.5″ Width x 8″ Depth (Tapers to 23.5″ x 9.25″)
- Capacity Rolled 1408 cu in (23L)
- Closure Type ZipDry®
- Opening Size 21 in
- Weight 1.8 lbs
Reviews & Questions
Reviews & Questions
You can calculate the delivery costs for your order by simply adding items to the basket and entering your delivery address.
This is an automatic service and does not require you to register or give any details.
View full delivery T&Cs.
We offer a 30 day returns policy for unwanted items.
If you change your mind and want to return this item, you will be responsible for the cost of returning it to us.
All items must be returned to us unused, and include original packaging.
View our full returns T&Cs.
Price Match
Price Match
If you find a product cheaper elsewhere online, we may be able to price match it.
Send us a link to the website page you want us to match, either by email, live chat, or Whatsapp.
The product must be in stock on the other website, and the price match will include any additional postage costs.