By Lani on Wednesday, 26 October 2022
Category: All Posts

Christmas Gift Guides

 It's that time of year again where Halloween is done and we're ready to say the C word... 

We're helping you get prepared early this year to avoid the inevitable rush that comes with the Christmas time. With so much choice out there, it's hard to find that perfect gift that gives you the feeling of 'YES, I've nailed it this year!' So here's what we think: 

Something that we have seen a lot of people get involved in this year, Wild Swimming; Swimming outside, in ponds, streams, or seas, to reap the benefits of the cold water and reconnect to nature. Whether you know someone who has dived deep in to this hobby or you think it's about time someone dipped their toes in it, there will be something in this category for you to gift. 

First and foremost is the Change Robe, something almost any wild swimmer would find useful, not only saving their diginity but also to keep them warm after their dip. You can even get a matching one for the dogs (we're looking at you dog mums). Another essential for when you're out of the water is a hot drinks flask to warm the adventurer up from the inside and help to feel cosy against the elements. Or you might be looking for accessories that can be used in the water, such as a new warm hat or maybe a safety buoy to ensure they stay safe. 

Next up is for the adrenaline junkies. They might like the water to get a bit rough but that doesn't the whole thing has to be hard, so gift them something that could help ease their journey. Maybe put the boat on wheels to get it to the water and gift a kayak trolley, or bring in a home comfort and get a seat cushion for those bumby moments. 
Maybe you already have an idea and you just want some extra little bits - gift some gloves to keep their hands wrapped around the paddle or a new water bottle, because their last one has so many dents you don't even know what shape it is supposed to be.

Another hobby we've seen become popular over the last year or two is paddle boarding - a humbling, fun, low impact sport that is available to those of all different skill levels. Breeze across the water and look for the perfect picnic spot with the gift of one of our food flasks keeping your food hot or cold until you're ready to stop.
Maybe you're looking for something practical? A waterproof phone pouch or key pouch makes the perfect stocking filler, or take a look at our carry straps to help ease the journey to the water.
Or maybe you want to go for a classic - socks for christmas! But not just any socks, our neoprene socks and shoes are ideal to wear when out on a SUP to keep those toes nice and warm.

The final fast-paced board sport is for the surfers. From board bags to seat covers, we're all about the accessories. Choose from hooks , hangers and the infamous C-Monsta so they can hang their wetsuit to dry (and not leave it in a wet puddle on the floor any longer), with towel robes to throw on and get cosy after a big surf with a compact change mat beneath their feet for the ultimate comfort.

There's a bunch of fun stocking fillers that are suited to our surfers, suppers, and water lovers alike, we just can't list them all, so have a look through our category pages to find some more. Happy gifting!