Feel like you’re forgetting something?
You’re rushing out the door after clumsily piling some bits and pieces into a bag, telling yourself you’re ready, only to get halfway there before realising you’ve left your phone on the kitchen table. It happens to the best of us.
This is why we’ve put together a checklist of a few essentials that we take with us on our kayaking adventures, so you know you aren’t leaving anything behind.
First off is inside the pockets of your drysuit. We suggest this is where you keep your phone and car keys, both in waterproof cases. You may have put these things in your dry bag already, but if in some unfortunate event your dry bag goes overboard, then so does your way of communication, and your ride home.
Next up is your buoyancy aid. This is where we keep a few smaller, miscellaneous safety equipment pieces that can be used for some different situations, such as a karabiner and tape, folding knife or multitool, press hook and pulley and maybe a spare screwgate karabiner.
This brings me on to keeping a first aid kit in your drybag. It doesn’t need to be an in depth kit, but some essentials are key, and maybe take some extra care that it stays dry and protected by putting it inside another dry bag or choosing the waterproof first aid kit if one is available to you.
Now that you know you have everything, you’re ready to dive straight in. Remember to tag us in your adventures @escapewaterports and use the hashtag #whateveryourescape.